Tuesday, February 8, 2011

go fuck yourself

its not enough for the world,
greedy and fat in its victory,
for you to be just broken and
defeated. no,
the universe wants you to crawl
a thousand yards while rusted
nails cut into your flesh and
bloody tampons and nuclear waste
rubs into the open wounds
adding insult to injury
you lay, fully collpased
while the fat cats of the town
piss on your dirty skull, and
look on in pity and contempt
it is not enough for you
to simply suffer, but you must
witness the suffering of others
and stand naked and unable to assist
the small triumphs and minor wins
are crushed beneath the brutal onlsaught
of a steamroller of nightmares with the name
'Modern Humanity' stamped into
the side of the cold steel
we were supposed to be free
we were supposed to transcend
we were supposed to be enlightened
and fly through the air on cars run on water
and eat space cow on a moon colony
but we are more primitive than ever
and the uncaring vaccumm of an
expanding universe swallows up
our screams of terror on solar winds
to empty voids

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